Thursday, February 17, 2011

Procrastination--embrace it or battle it?

I previously referred to this blogging effort as academically enforced narcissism. As I haven't posted since, I'm not sure whether that is a commentary on my status as student or as a narcissist.


This post will primarily be occupied with the idea of scheduling. You may say, "Kirstin! This is a blog about writing! You are straying from your topic, shame on you!" But never fear oh gentle and mutually academically-forced reader, I have my reasons for this segue. (That's such a weird spelling. Segue. Seguuuuu-eee. >.>)

I have the ambition to write. I have the desire to write. I have (arguably) the time to write. However, I don't have the discipline I need to write for other than (and even for) academic purposes.

I need a schedule. I need a set, required, pull-out my toenails-if-I-don't time to write. This is simply how I 'roll'. I suspect many others are like me. I am using this site to help me, because I am cheap.

To explain my process, I wrote out all of the requirements I have on my time, which I may share in an edited capacity later, and then color coded the way I was using my time. I discovered a three-hour block of time on Mondays and Wednesdays that I could schedule in writing time, and realized I spend way too much time on campus, as a side note.

But the problem is that I need to write every day, so I am going to start forcing myself to write during my down time at work. While this might cut down on my silly movie-watching time, I think in the long run it might be worth it. MIGHT.

I'll note later on how this works.

Oh, also, to prove this is actually a valid issue, look at these other nice people, like ... here. Or here.


  1. Procrastination is incredibly relevant to writing! Some of the most brilliant writers have to force themselves to complete even the simplest works. It depends on your level of creativity and the focus you put into each of your writing projects. Lord knows it's hard on myself to ever finish anything I start. At least creatively.

  2. I completely agree with how you are saying that writing should be done every day. What if you have a stroke of genious on say a Tuesday but you think, "Oh darn it's not Monday or Wednesday." It is extremely hard not to procrastinate while being a student.

  3. I really enjoyed the way you wrote this. Not only because it flowed nicely, but mainly because it is so relatable. I am one of the biggest procrastinators. Here I am only a couple hours before these blogs are due, writing them. I have a planner color coded and everything so I stay on my schedule. Does it always work? No. Does it help? Yes.
