Thursday, January 13, 2011

An introduction, or more simply, academically approved narcissism

A more appropriate title for this post may have been, "This thing that is," or, failing that, "word vomit that appears when I try to force wit." This is a blog--a blog about things, stuff, and most importantly, (or specifically), those things that occur to me at night. Why night? Night is that time when I think.
Days are pressing.
Days are mindless.
Well, so are nights.
But days are more so, I promise. Days are spent devoted to such pursuits as school, homework and the perfection of other's writing.
Nights are mine. Nights can be spent on my own advancement. Nights are for my writing.

This blog will be devoted to the advancement of my writing. I will use this space to write about how I want to write, will write and will improve my writing.

1 comment:

  1. I like this, and I love the title of your blog. I find it kind of comical, but most of all it keeps me wanting more. Very interesting, full of wit, can't wait to see more!
